Groote Post Newsletter - May 2016

Groote Post Newsletter - May 2016
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Rainfall the lowest in 50 years.... grape production down... but some standout cultivars to look forward to. The season 2016 was a huge challenge to any farmer in South Africa, whatever your farming enterprise.It’s not a year that we would like to have repeat itself soon.

If you haven’t attended our month-end market then you are missing out on a family day out in the countryside like so many have taken advantage of over the past
two years. We take a winter break and resume the market on 28th August 2016. Lukas and I have travelled the globe over the past 2 months attending tastings and visiting customers in Europe and America.

Cellar Worker of the year 2016: We are proud to announce that Gerrit Korah is this years Cellar Worker of the Year. Gerrit is our forklift driver and one of the “raak vatters” of our Cellar Team. Gerrit has been working at Groote Post for 20 years, he started out at the dairy.

2016 Pars verslag deur Jannie de Clerk: Groote Post se 2016 druiwe oes was baie vroëer gepars as gevolg van hoë somer temperature, twee droeë somers wat ons agter die rug het en ‘n swak winter reënval. Die voginhoud in die grond was baie minder en die damme se watervlakke was baie laag. Water was beperk vir besproeing en was dit ‘n uitdaging! Die beperkte waterbronne het veroorsaak dat net een derde van ons wingerd ‘n eenmalige besproeing kon kry.

Klimaatstoestande het veroorsaak dat die 2016 oes met 30% af is in produksie teenoor die 2015 oes. Kultivars se digtheid het verskil, die trosse was kleiner, korrels was losser op die tros. Die voordeel van dit was dat die trosse individueel baie mooi ryp geword het. Deur al die uitdagende omstandighede en met die vroëe oes, het die wingerde verbasend goed gelyk aan die einde van die oes. Alle druiwe was op 10 Maart 2016 klaar gepars. Ons sien uit daarna om die 2016 oes saam met julle te geniet.

Click here to read complete newsletter (PDF format)...


ARA - Industry Association for Responsible Alcohol use Not for sale to persons under the age of 18. Enjoy Responsibly.